The Mission

Upset the World with the
of Jesus Christ

Message of
Love & Hope

Highways, byways, bushes and shrubs

Luke 14:23 " And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled."

Committed to reaching individuals in the highways and byways of life, we aspire to revolutionize lives through the profound impact of the gospel. Our overarching goal is to make sure that people are good as individuals, focusing on the whole person and empowering them to strengthen their marriages, relationships and kids.

Our core areas of focus include marriage, mentoring, and leadership, forming the foundation for personal growth. Through our ministries, we aim to instill a sense of purpose, resilience, and fulfillment, guided by the teachings and principles of Jesus Christ. Together, we are dedicated to building a world where love, hope, and transformative growth are accessible to all.

The Practical Foundation

How We Are

We are lovers of Jesus and lovers of people. It’s a pretty good combo! We got really good at sitting at the intersection of faith and humanity and, well, we decided to stay here.

Why We Are

We exist to turn the world upside down with the message, love, and hope of Jesus Christ. We make this happen with our words and our deeds.

What We Do

We produce content that helps people navigate the way they live their lives. Tell us what you want and we’ll show you what we can do.ed to stay here.

How We Do It

Podcasts, documentaries, vlogs, social media, books, courses, speaking engagements, and advising.

Speaker, author, mentor, and The Basement Host Tim Ross speaking into the microphone during a podcast

About Tim Ross

I was born in Inglewood, California, and went to college to study Administrative of Justice to become a law enforcement officer. During that same time, I gave my life to Jesus Christ on January 14, 1996. I started preaching on February 25, 1996. I’ve been walking with Jesus ever since.

In June of 1997, I moved to Dallas, Texas and this has been home ever since. In the time I’ve spent in this great state I’ve served in several ministry capacities, they include:
• Youth Evangelist
• Young Adult Pastor
• Director of Student Ministries
• Associate Campus Pastor
• Executive Pastor of Apostolic Ministries
• Lead Pastor

I now occupy my time as a podcaster, social media influencer, author, and preacher.

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About Juliette Ross

Juliette Ross was born in New York, raised in Florida, and now rooted in Texas. This Afro-Caribbean has been graced with wisdom, discernment, and a prophetic edge that calls all who hear her into a deeper relationship with Jesus. She is highly regarded for her authenticity and ability to speak truth in love. Juliette is a preacher, teacher and conference host.

Juliette has been in love with Jesus for as long as she can remember. She has worked in Evangelistic ministry since she was 13 years old. She was accepted into a regional edition of Rhema Bible College at the age of 14 and finished at the top of her class. Juliette has had the privilege to receive tutelage from several mainstream Christian leaders and learned first-hand the ebbs and flows of ministry on large scales.

Juliette and Tim have been happily married for over 25 years, and are the proud parents of two sons, Nathan and Noah.

Juliette’s main mission in life is to show others how to truly fall madly immersed with her One. True. Love, Jesus Christ!

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